Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The office needs love.. lot's of love..

In the beginning there was a simple little room full of home office potential.. Not only is it next to the laundry, play room and a bathroom, but it has a built in desk area on two walls and two windows....

... and then I came along and filled it with STUFF.. piles of stuff, boxes of stuff, and then some more stuff. I'm not even a pack rat.. in fact I am the opposite, however being a creative type with a small home stationery business.. there is STUFF..... Being so many little things I want to do to the house, I have to start prioritizing. So the office won first dibs! I recently decided to close wee card company for a while so I can devote more time to:

1. health and fitness
2. time with my kids
3. cooking
4. drawing
5. photography
6. decorating our home

So here is some inspiration for the office revamp...

via house of bliss

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